The hidden reason for limited success

There are many entrepreneurs and business people out there and some are more successful than others. In fact, some are considerably more successful than others.  There is a reason why some entrepreneurs find huge success over others and it is because they have mastered the art of controlling Shiny Object Syndrome.

What is Shiny Object Syndrome?

Shiny Object Syndrome is a common problem for many entrepreneurs and start-ups. It is a little bit like ADD but business related, it is the act continuously chasing after the next best thing that has made others seem more successful or richer.

It is a distraction and while many people can reach and even capture the shiny object or next best thing, they soon realise that it takes the effort to master it and make it make them successful.

This process often repeats itself. Shiny Object Syndrome is often seen in young businesses, the slog to get to the top and find success can feel slow and painful and a new niche or new technology seems like the solution to faster joy.

The next best thing may be the right thing for someone but very often it is just a distraction from what you are doing and doing better than you know. Shiny Object Syndrome can wreck your business or at the very least slow it down or set back your success.

Greener Grass and Pastures New

Many entrepreneurs look around them and see others succeeding, they have found the next best thing or the next best thing is now on the rise is seen on every webpage visited. The grass looks greener and the idea of moving into this new exciting opportunity gives you the sense it will be a fresh start.

Starting a business can be tough, it can become humdrum and boring at times and it is easy to forget why you started it and how much you have learned. Chances are if you have been working in your field for a year or so and you are seeing some successes and this means that more success will surely come.

However, as humans, we become despondent, impatient and we want a little more excitement and when something shiny comes along we go after it.

The watering can


The truth is that if we have worked hard to get to where we are a year or two or even three into our business we are on the right path.

We look at other people and other ideas, especially those that claim to make lots of money in a short space of time and forget so much and forget that what has been applied in our business to date will have to be applied to the new business or idea.

Learning and making mistakes and investing time, effort and money into anything is always the cause of success.

The green grass imagined with the new idea, technology or product is not just because of the thing. It is easy to be duped into believing easy or instant success will found in the new best thing, that is what shiny object syndrome does.

The truth is that the green grass we dream of is found right under our feet. In many cases where the business is sound and the knowledge is good enough, we just need to grab that watering can and soak the grass we are standing on.

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