Value Vs Fame: There’s A Clear Winner

It’s not completely unheard of for a business or brand owner to become something of a celebrity.  Even to this day, there are plenty of people choosing to go the ‘fame’ route as opposed to offering genuine value to their customers.  This might sound absurd on paper, but you won’t have to look too far to see it out in the wild.

Plenty of entrepreneurs and businesses nowadays are fixated on building a persona.  On appealing to as many different people as possible.  Plenty of kids and teenagers dream of being famous, but how does that way of thinking apply to business success?  Here’s a home truth.  It doesn’t.

Fame and Success

You’ve probably heard this one before, but fame and success are not one and the same.  However, there is still a worrying trend right now of people striving to be famous in order to be successful.

One does not necessarily follow the other.  And in any case, how do you truly measure success?  In business terms, that’s probably fairly obvious.  But you don’t run a successful business simply by being ‘famous’. Here’s why – fame is fleeting.

Unless you build a backbone of great products, service, and value for your customers, you’re going to be left in the dust by all your competitors. By focusing on building fame and by courting followers and fans, you’re starving your brand and your product line of attention.

You’re not applying yourself in terms of bringing value to your buyers. Surely – and correct me if I’m wrong here – value is why customers buy things in the first place?

People want to buy products and try services they think will be of great value to their lives and lifestyles. If you’re serving up a hollow shell of fame and social media marketing, you are failing as a business to understand the needs of your audience.

Sure, people might follow you or ‘like’ your social media posts.  But where is that going to leave you in years to come?

The World is Changing

Yes, you probably can still sell some products and services by appealing to those who focus solely on ‘fame’.  However, there’s been a major shift in consumer thinking over the past few years.  People are no longer so willing to buy into what they’re being offered at face value.

That means more and more of us are actively digging into brands, and learning more about the choices we’re making.  We’re discussing our purchases and leaving opinions all over the internet.  Word of mouth is reigning supreme right now.

Aiming for fame without offering value is possibly the worst long-term preparation you can take on.  Your customers deserve a product and a service which genuinely serves them in their day to day lives.  Fame does not equate to success, and you can already see this in the public sphere.

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